Policies • The Reading Ranch


We look forward to providing your child with an authentic approach for becoming a strong reader and writer. Please review our policies and procedures and contact our office if you have any questions.


Benchmark Literacy Assessments will be conducted per 8 weeks of instruction.  The results of the assessments will be shared with parents.

Tuition Policies

  • Tuition is prepaid and due on the 1st of each month.
  • Billing/Monthly tuition is based on 4 weeks of instruction per session billing.
  • New student mid-month registration will be prorated.
  • Your time slot is not reserved until you have registered and paid the registration fees.
  • Registration fees are non-refundable.
  • Tuition is due on the first day of class. If a credit card is declined and/or tuition is not received by the 8th of the month, there will be a $25 late fee added to your account. Your place/seat in the program is not guaranteed until tuition is received.
  • We no longer accept checks or cash. Our payment portal accepts both ACH and Credit Card payments.  All payments must be completed through our payment portal.
  • If you need to add/change the CC# you may do so at the link in the invoice/receipt.
  • Re-registration will be required for non-continuing students who have not attended for 90 days or longer

The Reading Ranch does not require a contract or deposits.

Our withdrawal policies are:

  • Withdrawing from the program requires a 30-day notice before the 1st of the following month. A withdrawal form must be turned into the office or emailed to the center manager.
  • Withdrawals without a 30-day notice will be accessed with a $75 fee.
  • Mid-session withdrawing reimbursements will not be provided. Our seats in the program are limited and reserved.
  • Summer Sessions require pre-payment for new student summer campers.

Operation Policies

Parents/grandparents are not allowed to sit in class during our sessions. We do not have background checks on you, and we need the children to be focused on their lessons. Face-2-Face brief student updates are provided after each lesson.

Make-up policies

Make-up classes are available, however,  we limit your make-up classes to one per session. Make-up classes are by appointment only. We also utilize online recorded sessions for our make-up classes.  

  • You MUST contact your center manager to schedule your missed class, and for staffing reasons, walk-ins are not allowed.
  • Ratios are not guaranteed during the make-up class.
  • We will do our best for you to receive your make-up session in person, but each campus schedule is quite full.  You may utilize our online recorded make-up sessions.
  • Make-up classes must be scheduled for the session/month the class was missed.
  • No Call/No Show are not allowed to be made up.
  • Missed classes cannot be discounted or prorated.
  • No credits for make-up classes that were not used/scheduled.
  • If the scheduled make-up class is missed we will offer an online recorded class, no further make-up will be allowed/offered for the missed session.

We do not re-teach material due to late arrival. The pick-up time remains the same as the scheduled class. Therefore, you must pick up upon your registered class dismissal time if you arrive late.

  • Please do not bring homework to class. We do not do school homework or projects. If there are literacy concepts that your child is struggling with, please communicate this to your teacher/manager and we will review those literacy concepts.
  • Our homework program provides a modest reinforcement to enhance a child’s literacy skills.
  • Homework bags: homework and library books are expected to be returned each session. Library books will be rotated each and every session. Damaged or lost books fee: $5.00 per book.
  • Should a child be unable to work in a small group setting for attention purposes, distracting others, etc., the child will need to attend a private session, if sessions are available.  These sessions will incur an additional charge and are rarely offered.
  • If a child continues to be disruptive or compromise the learning environment they will be removed from the program.
  • We do not provide sit-down parental conferences after each session. Brief weekly updates via in communication bag provide details over our student’s progress.
  • Student progress reassessments are given per 8 weeks and those details will be provided at that time.
  • Unregistered siblings are not allowed to wait in lobby unsupervised.
  • Homeschool students attend the same classes, just like everyone else. No special arrangements will be considered, times, students, or otherwise. No exceptions.
  • Parents do not dictate our curriculum. We will not shift our curriculum based on religious preferences. Our curriculum is secular and will remain so.
  • Parents who are disruptive, or are compromising the center’s sessions will be released from the program.
  • RR Administration will not attend school conferences with a student’s classroom teacher or Student Support Team. A child Advocate Representative (a child psychologist) may provide those services.
  Dr. Southwell can provide recommendations.
  • Reading Ranch Teachers are strictly prohibited from babysitting or tutoring other subjects to our students privately. Nor are they allowed to communicate with parents via email or texting. Please be respectful and do not ask them for their personal contact information.
  • Students are not allowed to bring electronic gadgets to their lessons. Our students are in class to receive direct instruction. Electronic gadgets must remain with mom/dad/grandparent or nanny.
  • Snack packs are not allowed in class. We do not have time to serve snacks during our lesson.

Literacy Progress Plans

All students learn at different rates and we cannot guarantee the rate of literacy development. However, it’s critical to be consistent with your attendance and recommended intervention plan, such as (1, 2, or 3 sessions a week).

Reading Ranch Student & Families

  • Facebook, ‘like’ Reading Ranch & Instagram (@readingranchtutorialcenter)
  • Email – monthly newsletter and announcements are made via email.
  • Check homework bag for postings via flyers.
  • Closing reminders (Christmas break Thanksgiving & Easter) are posted on the lobby door, Facebook page, Email, take-home flyers in homework bags.

Attendance Recommendations

Enrichment: (1) day a week.  Intervention: (2-3 days a week) for (1 to 2 semesters).

  • Attending one session a week program is designed for children who are performing at-level and enrichment purposes only. If this is your program choice, please know progress will be slower, but attainable.
  • Intervention requires time, dedication and repetition for growth to be achieved, including families to practice these skills consistently at home.


Classes are offered 7 days a week. Please schedule your child’s class when they are most focused. Teaching your child to read should be a priority to any other outside activity. Please be committed arrive and pick-up in a timely manner.

Class Hours*

2:30-3:20, 3:30-4:20, 4:30-5:20, 5:30-6:20, 6:30-7:20

8:30-9:20, 9:30-10:20, 10:30-11:20, 11:30-12:20, 12:30-1:20

10:30-11:20, 11:30-12:20, 12:30-1:20, 1:30-2:20, 2:30-3:20

*Summer hours may change


Word-of mouth is our best advertisement. Please tell your friends about our literacy program, and  share our Facebook page or blogs.  We appreciate your referrals and give one free writing class to your child for each sign-up (e.g., 2 referrals, then 2 free writing classes goes to your child).

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