Scope and Sequence
Scope and sequence is a structure of teaching a subject (the scope) in a specific sequence. The proper usage of scope and sequence in education allows students to maximize their learning and sets them up for further learning opportunities in the future. Without a scope and sequence to a subject/topic, students miss details and important context in their learning, which may create learning gaps in the future.
Scope refers to the breadth and depth of the material presented. For example, history is broken down into multiple classes such as American History, World History, etc.
Sequence is the order in which the material is presented. Likely, the Revolutionary War will be covered in most American History classes before the Civil War, which helps add information, context, and understanding to the topics.

The Reading Ranch Method employs the proper scope and sequence into all of our course offerings and curriculum. This is a key part of our programs, we teach a curriculum based on sound scope and sequence that brings in the correct context and learning patterns at precisely the right time. One of the issues I saw when teaching was that many important concepts and information were either left out or presented in an order that made no sense to children, which ultimately created learning gaps that widened as the child got older.

The scope and sequence that is used in the curriculum at The Reading Ranch is based on research into how children learn to read and write. There are always “shiny new objects and theories” in every field, however, I chose to go with well-researched methods when I wrote the curriculum for our courses.
I am adamant about our instructors following The Reading Ranch Method in our courses. It is even part of our initial interview process where we discuss its importance when teaching at The Reading Ranch. We do make some changes from time to time to improve our results and to offer the student the best way for him/her to learn the material. That’s why I love what I do, we are always challenged.
Dr. Kim Southwell