A Sneak Peek Into The Reading Ranch Writer’s Workshop
- Vocabulary, communication, and comprehension
- Imagination and a sense of the world around them
- Punctuation, storytelling, grammar, capitalization
- Penmanship, handwriting, and sentence structure
- Expressing ideas and writing their own stories
- Critical thinking
- Language development and fluency
To give you a sneak peek of what we’re talking about, below is a condensed version of our four-week Narrative Fiction Stories class packet for 2nd thru 6th-grade students.

Week 1
A Day/B Day: Start with cursive writing (i, t, p) and grammar (adverbs), followed by an understanding of fiction and picking a subgenre of fiction to write. Create a setting, characters, and plot. What are the elements of a plot? What are the three types of point of view? Complete the plot chart. Plan your story. Begin your introduction or exposition paragraph. Who is the narrator? Close with brainstorming sessions and corrections.
Week 2
A Day: Start with cursive (r, j) and grammar (pronouns), followed by an understanding subject-verb agreement and synonyms. Work on the conflict of the fiction story. Who /what is the antagonist or the villain? Close with brainstorming sessions and corrections.
B Day: Start with cursive (u, w) and grammar (verbs), followed with more fiction writing. Continue the problem! Make it BIG. Close with brainstorming sessions and corrections.
Week 3
A Day: Start with cursive and grammar (prepositions), followed by understanding sensory details and figurative language. Continue with fiction writing. What is the climax? What is the turning point? What is the solution? Close with brainstorming sessions and corrections.
B Day: Start with cursive and grammar (subject-verb agreement), followed by continued fiction writing. What happens immediately after the problem is resolved? Close with brainstorming sessions and corrections.
Week 4
A Day: Start with cursive (l, p, s), followed by creating a conclusion for fiction writing. Close the story with a happy or sad ending. Brainstorming and corrections.
B Day: Start with cursive (review), followed by the next chapter. Close with brainstorming and corrections.
Call The Reading Ranch Today!
Reading Ranch® Tutorial Center, your child’s home for laser-focused literacy support, offers phonetically-based programs for reading, writing, and spelling enrichment for children in Pre-K through sixth grade. Dr. Kim Southwell started The Reading Ranch Tutorial Center in 2006 under the guiding principle that the ability to read, write, and comprehend creates the basis for all education and career success. Our multi-sensory teaching approach meets individual needs, giving students a strong foundation in reading, writing, and spelling.
For more information on any of our enrichment programs, convenient locations, or if you have interest in franchising opportunities with The Reading Ranch, visit www.franchisereadingranch.com or call (214) 436-5533.