Summer Pre-K Programs

Morning Programs Summer 2015


2, 3, 4, 5’s: Emergent reading/writing classes

summer-pdf-icons_r1_c1Working in groups of 2-3 students per teacher. Learn language and early literacy skills through a multi-sensory teaching approach in our interactive reading center and new writing lab program. Programs are 90 minutes.

Registration Fee $25.00

  • Homework program included
  • Sibling Discount 5%

Summer Programs offered
2 days a week, Frisco and Plano locations.

8:30-10:00; 10:30-12:00

8:30-10:00, 10:30-12:00


  • Early Language & Literacy Development: 2 year old
  • Pre-Emergent Reading & Writing Program: 3 year old
  • Early Emergent Reading & Writing Program: 4 year old
  • Emergent Reading & Writing Program: 5 year old


Monthly Tuition
Frisco, Plano

Monday/Wednesday (2 days a week): $295
Tuesday/Thursday: (2 days a week): $295

Early Reading Program

  • Concepts of Print
  • Letter Recognition
  • Letter Soundsboyonhorse_small
  • Building words
  • Fluency/Emergent Reading
  • Literacy Activities
  • Interactive Reading
  • Shared Reading
  • Story Time

Writing Lab

  • Pencil Grip
  • Letter strokes
  • Emergent Writing
  • Authoring Books


Course Descriptions

Early Language & Literacy Development
2 year old – 90 min class.

cartoons_r3_c1The Early Language and Literacy program consists of oral language activities through song, letter names, letter-sound relationships including letters to important words like their own name and environmental print referencing. Story time will share classic nursery rhymes while introducing book-handling skills. Writing lab rotation includes introducing fine motor, pencil grip, scribble to letter-like forms and shapes..

Pre-Emergent Reading & Writing Program
3 year old – 90 min class.

The pre-emergent reading program includes learning book handling skills, concepts of print, letter names, letter-sound relationships and rhyme time. Writing lab rotation includes fine motor, pencil grip, scribble to letter-like forms and shapes.

Early Emergent Reading & Writing Program
4 year old – 90 min class.

Our early emergent reading & writing program includes alphabet knowledge, letter-sound connection & word play and linking letters to make words. Other daily literacy highlights include interactive reading using print referencing and word awareness as well as guided reading and oral language development built through shared reading. Writing lab rotation includes letter strokes (directionality), letters in their names, space concepts and importance of letter order.

Emergent Reading & Writing Program
Junior Kinder – 5 year old – 90 min class.

Learn oral language, print awareness, build on letter recognition, phonological awareness, alphabetic principle, blending sounds to form words, vowels and consonants, high-frequency word recognition. Daily guided reading and fluency building as well as oral language and comprehension through shared reading. Writing lab rotation includes further letter strokes (directionality) and legibility, emergent writing, and authoring books.


Ratios: (2 to 3) students per teacher.
Requirements: must be potty-trained to attend.
Students must attend class independently.
Mothers must remain in the lobby or pick up.
